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Congress Preliminary Program
Speakers and Topics Subject to Change
Last Updated 7/15/05

Download Final Program

September 1
Pre-Conference Workshops
Separate Registration Required
  1300 - 1700
Ultrasound, Part 1
1300 - 1700
Non-Invasive Ventilation, Part 1
0800 - 1700
Hospital Disaster Management, Part 1

September 2
Pre-Conference Workshops
Separate Registration Required
0800 - 1430 Ultrasound, Part 2
(Total: 9.5 hours)
Non-Invasive Ventilation, Part 2
(Total: 9.5 hours)
Hospital Disaster Management, Part 2
(Total: 13.5 hours)
0800 - 1100 Basics of Research in Emergency Medicine (5.5 hours) Advanced EKG Interpretation (3 hours) Advanced Airway Course (5.5 hours) Advanced Wound Care Management (3 hours) Emergency Medicine Residency Director Workshop - CORD (5.5 hours) Dealing with Car Crashes in the Field (5.5 hours)
1200 - 1430 Advanced Casting & Splinting Techniques (2.5 hours) Pediatric Procedures (2.5 hours)
1530 - 1800 Opening Ceremony / Keynote Address
  Pre-Conference Workshops
Separate Registration Required

September 3
Track A Track B Track C Track D Track E Track F Track G Track H Track I Track J Track K Track L
0830 - 1230 Cardiovascular Emergencies Prehospital Medicine (NAEMSP & EuSEM) Emergency Ultrasound Research Education from the US (SAEM) Respiratory Emergencies Current Status of EM Around the World French Oral Abstracts French Society Didactic Presentations International Oral Abstracts International Oral Abstracts Core Talks International Nursing
1230 - 1330 Plenary Session: Newer Diagnostic Tests and Their Usefulness
1330 - 1500 Lunch
1500 - 1830 CPR & Resuscitation Prehospital Medicine EMDM Meeting (Invitation Only) Residency Training Education (CORD-EM & EuSEM) Environmental Emergencies Current Status of EM Around the World French Oral Abstracts French Society Didactic Presentations International Oral Abstracts International Oral Abstracts Core Talks International Nursing
2100 - 2400 Gala Dinner

September 4
Track A Track B Track C Track D Track E Track F Track G Track H Track I Track J Track K Track L
0830 - 1230 Emergency Medical Abstracts: Best Articles of the Past Year Disaster Medicine (EMDM) Information Technology & Informatics International Research Education Infectious Disease Current Status of EM Around the World French Oral Abstracts French Society Didactic Presentations International Oral Abstracts International Oral Abstracts Core Talks CPC Competition
1230 - 1330 Plenary Session: Intracerebral Hemorrhage
1330 - 1500 Lunch
1500 - 1830 Shock Disaster Medicine (EMDM) Emergency Airway Management The Business of Emergency Medicine Medical Imaging Current Status of EM Around the World French Oral Abstracts French Society Didactic Presentations International Oral Abstracts International Oral Abstracts Core Talks CPC Competition

September 5
Track A Track B Track C Track D Track E Track F Track G Track H Track I Track J Track K Track L
0830 - 1230 Trauma Pharmacology Writing and Publishing in Emergency Medicine International Issues in Emergency Medicine Pediatrics Current Status of EM Around the World Spanish Language Presentations French Society Didactic Presentations International Oral Abstracts International Oral Abstracts Core Talks Open Mic
1230 - 1330 Plenary Session: Maximum Therapy for the Crashing Asthmatic
1330 - 1500 Lunch
1500 - 1830 Neurologic & Psychiatric Emergencies Toxicology New Devices in Emergency Medicine (No CME) International Issues in Emergency Medicine Pain Management in the Emergency Department Current Status of EM Around the World Spanish Language Presentations French Society Didactic Presentations International Oral Abstracts International Oral Abstracts Emergency Care for Mass Gatherings Open Mic
1830 - 1930 Closing Ceremony
Closing Statements by Presidents of Sponsoring and Organizing Societies
2100 - 2400 Karaoke Dinner & Dance

Congress will also feature:

  • Neurological Emergencies - Program and session developed and organized by FERNE
  • Program and activities developed and organized by SEMES (Spanish translation)

This Congress will feature special programs and tracks on:

  • Research Education
  • Residency Education - organized by The Council of EM Residency Directors (CORD) & EuSEM
  • Pre-hospital Track - by the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), European Emergency Data Project (EED), SAMU de France.
  • Disaster Medicine Track - organized by the European Master in Disaster Medicine (EMDM)
  • Neurological Emergencies – organized by the Foundation for Education and Research in Neurological Emergencies (FERNE)
  • International Emergency Medicine: Presented by representatives of all the participating Countries
  • Spanish Track: Organized and presented by the Spanish Societies of Emergency Medicine (SEMES). Simultaneous translation will be provided

NB: The CORD portion of the program and their speakers did not receive any form of direct sponsorships.

Clinical Pathological Case (CPC) Competition Information and Presentation
For a copy of the CPC video, please send your request to Dr. John Southal (email is southj@mmc.org).


Keynote Speaker: A high-profile speaker, selected by either EuSEM or AAEM, to address a specific topic of direct interest to either the EuSEM or AAEM membership in attendance at the Congress.

Plenary Session: A 60 minutes presentation designed to appeal to the Congress as a whole, will be held in Athena auditorium. There are 3 Plenary sessions on the Congress schedule.

Closing Session: The Closing Session will provide a final opportunity for all Congress delegates to come together before the end of the Congress. The Congress Presidents will lead this session. Presidents of all of the co-organizing and sponsoring Societies are invited to address the delegates and to discuss the future directions of the specialty and of the Congress.